1 |
00 |
Authentication Success |
2 |
000 |
Authentication Success |
3 |
057 |
Kindly login again |
4 |
05D |
Invalid Device ID |
5 |
092 |
Technical Error, contact helpdesk |
6 |
099 |
Server Network Connection Timed Out, please try again |
7 |
09A |
Technical Error |
8 |
09C |
Connection Timed Out |
9 |
09D |
Device id Not mapped,Please try again or Dealer logged again through other device |
10 |
09S |
Server Error, Please try again |
11 |
09T |
Technical Error,Please try again |
12 |
09V |
Unauthorized User |
13 |
100 |
Success |
14 |
110 |
Aadhaar number does not have verified mobileemail |
15 |
111 |
Aadhaar number does not have verified mobile |
16 |
112 |
Aadhaar number does not have both email and mobile |
17 |
113 |
Aadhaar Number doesn’t have verified email ID. |
18 |
114 |
Aadhaar Number doesn’t have verified Mobile Number |
19 |
115 |
Aadhaar Number doesn’t have verified email and Mobile. |
20 |
1201 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
21 |
1202 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
22 |
1203 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
23 |
1204 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
24 |
1205 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
25 |
200 |
Demographic data did not match |
26 |
300 |
Biometric data did not match |
27 |
310 |
Duplicate fingers used |
28 |
311 |
Duplicate Irises used |
29 |
312 |
FMR FIR cannot be used in same transaction |
30 |
313 |
Single FIR record contains more than one finger |
31 |
314 |
Number of FMRFIR should not exceed 10 |
32 |
315 |
Number of IIR should not exceed 2 |
33 |
316 |
Number of FID should not exceed 1 |
34 |
317 |
Number of biometric modalities (FaceFingerIRIS) should not exceed 2. |
35 |
318 |
BFD transaction should not contain other modalities in input. |
36 |
320 |
FMR+FIR not present in the request |
37 |
330 |
Biometrics locked by Aadhaar holder |
38 |
331 |
Aadhaar locked by Aadhaar number holder for all authentications |
39 |
332 |
Aadhaar number usage is blocked by Aadhaar number holder. |
40 |
333 |
Mismatch in “posh” attributes mentioned for FMR and FIR. Value of “posh” ifmentioned other than “default” (when both FMR and FIR is used) should have the same finger position for FMR as that of corresponding FIR. |
41 |
334 |
Mismatch in count of FMR and FIR. ie Number of FMRs and FIRs
should be same inside PID. |
42 |
400 |
OTP validation failed |
43 |
401 |
Tkn validation failed |
44 |
402 |
txn value did not match with txn value used in Request OTP API. |
45 |
403 |
Invalid OTP |
46 |
430 |
TOTP usage is not allowed for this aadhaar holder. Please install
m-aadhaar and generate TOTP |
47 |
444 |
Improper Response from AUA Server, please try again |
48 |
500 |
Invalid Skeyencryption |
49 |
501 |
Invlaid CI value in Skey |
50 |
502 |
Invalid Pid Encryption |
51 |
503 |
Invalid HMac encryption |
52 |
504 |
Session key re-initiation required due to expiry or key out of sync |
53 |
505 |
Synchronized Skey usage is not allowed |
54 |
510 |
Invalid XML format |
55 |
511 |
Invalid PID XML format |
56 |
512 |
Invalid Aadhaar holder consent in rc attribute of Auth |
57 |
513 |
Invalid Protobuf Format |
58 |
514 |
Invalid UID token in input. |
59 |
515 |
Invalid VID Number in input. |
60 |
516 |
InvalidNon Decryptable ANCS Token in input. Use correct ANCS token in request. |
61 |
517 |
Expired VID is used in input. |
62 |
518 |
ANCS Token in input is already used or expired. |
63 |
519 |
Inappropriate ANCS token used. This means that the ANCS token used is not associated withthe AUA or with the transaction ID. |
64 |
520 |
Invalid device |
65 |
521 |
Invalid Finger device |
66 |
522 |
Invalid Iris device |
67 |
523 |
Invalid “ts” attribute. Either it is not in correct format or is older than20 min. |
68 |
524 |
Invalid mi code under Meta tag |
69 |
527 |
Invalid mc code under Meta tag. |
70 |
528 |
Device - Key Rotation policy |
71 |
530 |
Invalid AUA code |
72 |
531 |
Invalid Sub-AUA. |
73 |
532 |
VID is not yet generated. To use specific services like UID lock which require VID to be pre generated, please generate a VID before using service |
74 |
540 |
Invalid XML version |
75 |
541 |
Invalid PID XML version |
76 |
542 |
AUA not authorized for ASA |
77 |
543 |
Sub-AUA not associated with AUA |
78 |
550 |
Invalid USES element attributes |
79 |
552 |
WADH Validation failed |
80 |
553 |
Registered devices currently not supported. |
81 |
554 |
Public devices are not allowed to be used |
82 |
555 |
rdsId is invalid and not part of certification registry |
83 |
556 |
rdsVer is invalid and not part of certification registry. |
84 |
557 |
dpId is invalid and not part of certification registry. |
85 |
558 |
Invalid dih |
86 |
559 |
Device Certificate has expired |
87 |
560 |
DP Master Certificate has expired |
88 |
561 |
Request expired |
89 |
562 |
Timestamp value is future time |
90 |
563 |
Duplicate request |
91 |
564 |
HMAC Validation failed |
92 |
565 |
License key has expired |
93 |
566 |
Invalid license key |
94 |
567 |
Invalid input |
95 |
568 |
Unsupported Language |
96 |
569 |
Digital signature verification failed |
97 |
570 |
Invalid key info in digital signature |
98 |
571 |
PIN Requires reset |
99 |
572 |
Invalid biometric position |
100 |
573 |
PI usage not allowed as per license |
101 |
574 |
PA usage not allowed as per license |
102 |
575 |
PFA usage not allowed as per license |
103 |
576 |
FMR usage not allowed as per license |
104 |
577 |
FIR usage not allowed as per license |
105 |
578 |
IIR usage not allowed as per license |
106 |
579 |
OTP usage not allowed as per license |
107 |
580 |
OTP usage not allowed as per license |
108 |
581 |
Fuzzy matching usage not allowed as per license |
109 |
582 |
Local language usage not allowed as per license |
110 |
584 |
Invalid Pin code in Meta element |
111 |
585 |
Invalid Geo code in Meta element |
112 |
586 |
FID usage not allowed as per license. |
113 |
587 |
Name space not allowed. |
114 |
588 |
Registered device not allowed as per license |
115 |
590 |
Public device not allowed as per license. |
116 |
591 |
BFD usage is not allowed as per license. |
117 |
592 |
Device blocked for more than allowed error percentage. |
118 |
593 |
Device blocked for more than allowed velocity. |
119 |
594 |
Device in blocked State. |
120 |
710 |
Missing PI data as specified in USES |
121 |
720 |
Missing PA data as specified in USES |
122 |
721 |
Missing PFA data as specified in USES |
123 |
730 |
Missing PIN data as specified in USES |
124 |
740 |
Missing OTP data as specified in USES |
125 |
800 |
Invalid biometric data |
126 |
807 |
Invalid Aadhaar ID |
127 |
810 |
Missing biometric data as specified in USES |
128 |
811 |
Missing biometric data in CIDR |
129 |
812 |
Finger not Detected |
130 |
820 |
BT value missed |
131 |
821 |
Invalid BT value |
132 |
822 |
Invalid value in the BS attribute of Bio element within Pid |
133 |
901 |
No authentication data found in the request |
134 |
902 |
Invalid Date |
135 |
910 |
Invalid MVPFA Vales |
136 |
911 |
Invalid MVPFA Vales |
137 |
912 |
Invalid MS value |
138 |
913 |
Invalid PAPFA Vales |
139 |
914 |
Face alone is not allowed as biometric modality. You should send face alongwith anotherbiometric modality like Finger or IRIS or OTP. |
140 |
915 |
Face auth is not allowed for this age of resident. |
141 |
916 |
Invalid face Image format in input. |
142 |
917 |
Invalid face capture type. |
143 |
930 |
AUAASA Server error |
144 |
931 |
AUAASA Server error |
145 |
932 |
AUAASA Server error |
146 |
933 |
AUAASA Server error |
147 |
934 |
AUAASA Server error |
148 |
935 |
AUAASA Server error |
149 |
936 |
AUAASA Server error |
150 |
937 |
AUAASA Server error |
151 |
938 |
AUAASA Server error |
152 |
939 |
AUAASA Server error |
153 |
940 |
Unauthorized ASA channel |
154 |
941 |
Unspecified ASA channel |
155 |
950 |
Could not generate andor send OTP |
156 |
951 |
Biometric lock related technical error |
157 |
952 |
OTP Flooding Error |
158 |
953 |
OTP Flooding Error |
159 |
980 |
Unsupported option |
160 |
994 |
Aadhaar Deactivated due to deceased Status |
161 |
995 |
Aadhaar suspended by competent authority |
162 |
996 |
Aadhaar Cancelled,Resident should re-enroll. |
163 |
997 |
Invalid Aadhaar Status |
164 |
998 |
Invalid Aadhaar Number |
165 |
999 |
Unknown error |
166 |
BAAF002 |
Sub-AUA Does not Exists |
167 |
The device is not authorized to
use the AUA Services |
168 |
K-100 |
Resident authentication failed |
169 |
K-200 |
Resident data currently not available |
170 |
K-514 |
Invalid UID Token Used. |
171 |
K-515 |
Invalid VID used. |
172 |
K-516 |
Invalid ANCS Token used. |
173 |
K-517 |
VID used is expired. |
174 |
K-519 |
Invalid Authenticator Code. |
175 |
K-540 |
Invalid KYC XML |
176 |
K-541 |
Invalid e-KYC API version |
177 |
K-542 |
Invalid resident consent -rc attribute in Kyc element |
178 |
K-543 |
Invalid timestamp |
179 |
K-544 |
Invalid resident auth type ra attribute in Kyc element does not match what is in PID block |
180 |
K-545 |
Resident has opted-out of this service. This feature is not implemented currently |
181 |
K-546 |
Invalid value for pfr attribute |
182 |
K-547 |
Invalid value for wadh attribute within PID block |
183 |
K-550 |
Invalid Uses Attribute |
184 |
K-551 |
Invalid Txn namespace |
185 |
K-552 |
Invalid License key |
186 |
K-553 |
KUA License key Expired. |
187 |
K-569 |
Digital signature verification failed for e-KYC XML |
188 |
K-570 |
Invalid key info in digital signature for e-KYC XML |
189 |
K-571 |
Technical error while signing the eKYC response. |
190 |
K-600 |
ASA is invalid or not an authorized KSA |
191 |
K-601 |
ASA is invalid or not an authorized ASA |
192 |
K-602 |
KUA encryption key not available |
193 |
K-603 |
ASA encryption key not available |
194 |
K-604 |
ASA Signature not allowed |
195 |
K-605 |
Neither KUA key nor ASA encryption key are available |
196 |
K-955 |
Technical Failure |
197 |
K-956 |
Technical error while generating the PDF file. |
198 |
K-999 |
Unknown error |
199 |
M-100 |
Resident authentication failed, see “Rar” element to see details of resident authentication error |
200 |
M-110 |
Operator authentication failed, see “Oar” element to see details of operator authentication error |
201 |
M-120 |
Authentication code that was sent under “Oad” is invalid.Operator must be re-authenticated |
202 |
M-121 |
Aadhaar number of the operator does not match with the earlier authentication request for which response code was provided |
203 |
M-200 |
service currently not available |
204 |
M-540 |
Invalid Mobile XML |
205 |
M-541 |
Invalid Mobile API version |
206 |
M-542 |
Invalid resident consent (“rc” attribute in “Mou” element). |
207 |
M-543 |
Invalid timestamp (“ts” attribute in “Mou” element) |
208 |
M-544 |
Invalid resident auth type (“ra” attribute in “Mou” element does not match what is in PID block within “Rad”) |
209 |
M-545 |
Resident has opted-out of this service |
210 |
M-546 |
Invalid mobile verification code |
211 |
M-547 |
Invalid email address (“nem” value has invalid format) |
212 |
M-548 |
Invalid value for data sharing consent (“dsc” value is invalid) |
213 |
M-551 |
Invalid “Txn” namespace either for “UMN:R” or for “UMN:O” |
214 |
M-569 |
Digital signature verification failed for Mobile XML |
215 |
M-570 |
Invalid key info in digital signature for Mobile XML |
216 |
M-600 |
AUA is invalid or not an authorized to call this API |
217 |
M-999 |
Unknown error |
218 |
NR |
NA |
219 |
cidr server not reachable |
220 |
UNA101 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
221 |
UNA102 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
222 |
UNA103 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
223 |
UNA104 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
224 |
UNA105 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |
225 |
UNA106 |
AUA server connection timed out, please try again |